My hope for humanity is that everyone in this world, at some point in their life, have a singular moment outdoors where they fully appreciate the vastness of nature and their place in it. I believe moments like these can be humbling, if not inspirational, and are a crucial part of the human condition. But the world is big and I am but an ant, so for now I focus on Maine.
For the last seven years, I have served as the Events Director of Baxter Outdoors, the outdoor recreation arm of Baxter Brewing. We are responsible for putting on Baxter-branded outdoor events, like trail races, mountain bike races, ski events, and beer tasting events, all in unique Maine settings. My races and events have taken me far-and-wide in this state, from Matagamon to Grand Lake Stream, from The Forks to MDI. But of all the unique places I’ve had the pleasure of visiting, Maine Huts & Trails in Carrabassett Valley holds a special place in my heart.
First envisioned in the 70’s by local Larry Warren, Maine Huts & Trails was modeled after the hut-to-hut infrastructure of the European Alps. Spaced out over 30 miles and encompassing more than 80 miles of ski and hiking trails, MH&T’s four eco-friendly backcountry lodges pockmark a 30,000 acre public wilderness that includes Bigelow Range and Flagstaff Lake. Using each hut as a launchpad, the opportunities for awe and splendor are endless. Views from the summit of Avery peak rival those of Katahdin. Unencumbered access to Maine’s fourth-largest Lake, Flagstaff, gives visitors an accessible entry point deep into the wilderness of Maine. Unique beyond compare.
The trails themselves that connect the huts were cleverly routed to wind along waterways that shape the landscape, and up-and-down the local foothills offering views of Sugarloaf, Flagstaff, and the Bigelow range in their full glory. The region is vast and a view of any of these icons helps to put that in perspective.
In addition to the eponymously named “MH&T Lager” that Baxter makes, with proceeds supporting Maine Huts & Trials, Baxter Outdoors has supported the MH&T mission by holding events and races on their trails for the last 5 years. On March 20th, we continue that legacy with the Newton’s Ascent 5k, a 3-mile uphill race ending at Stratton Brook Hut where we will rejoice with Beer and Chili. Come race or simply enjoy the hike to the top to meet some of our staff and enjoy some cold beers.
Cheers to Maine Huts & Trails, its staff, and our continued support to its mission.
– Adam Platz
Director, Baxter Outdoors